Biomedical Test Equipments
We offer a diverse range of biomedical calibration services that cover a wide variety of equipment. Our calibration services include blood pressure monitors, patient simulators, thermometers, bilirubin light meters, tachometers, as well as a variety of analyzers such as defibrillators, electrosurgical equipment, infusion pumps, non-invasive blood pressure monitors, respiratory equipment, pacemaker analyzers, and much more.
At our company, we offer calibration and minor repair services for test equipment from various manufacturers, including discontinued models.
Electrical Safety Analyzers with/without Patient Simulators

Fluke ESA620/ 615/ 614/ 612/ 609
Fluke / Dale Technology 601/ 601 E
Fluke (DNI Nevada medTester 5000 C Series)
Fluke (DNI Nevada MedTester)
Fluke ISA601 Pro
Fluke (DNI Nevada 232D)
Bio-Tek 170
Fluke 180
BC Biomedical SA-2000 Series
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Patient Simulators
Fluke MPS450
Fluke (DNI Nevada 214 A/B)
Fluke (DNI Nevada 215 A/217 A)
ProSim 2 and 3 Vital Sign Simulators
Fluke ProSim 8 Vital Signs and ECG
Fluke ProSim 4 Vital Sign and ECG
Fluke PS410 Cardiac and Arrythmia
Fluke PS320
Fluke ProSim SPOT Light SpO2 Pulse Oximeter Analyzer
Fluke (DALE EHS 10/12)
Fluke (MDE DataSim 6100)
BC Biomedical PS-2200 Patient Simulator
Pronk Technologies SL-8 SimSlim Multi-Parameter Simulator
Netech Microsim (ECG / ARR / COS)

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Defibrillator Analyzers
FLUKE (BioTek) & BC Biomedical QED 6
FLUKE (DNI Nevada) Impulse 3000
FLUKE (DNI Nevada) Impulse 4000(w/ Pacer Modules)
FLUKE Impulse 7000DP
BC Biomedical DA-2006 series
Biotek QED III
Netech Delta 3000

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Electrosurgical Analyzers
BC Biomedical ESU-2300
Biotek RF 302
DNI Nevada 454A
Fluke (Metron QA-ES)
Fluke RF303RS Electrosurgical Analyzer

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Infusion Pump Analyzers
BC Biomedical IPA-1000 Series
Fluke / Biotek IDA Series
DNI Nevada 404A
DNI Nevada IPT-MC (1-4 Channels)
Metron QA-IDS
Metron Lagu Single & Dual Channels

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Analyzers
BC Biomedical NIBP1030
Fluke / Biotek BP Pump (1 & 2)
Clinical Dynamics Smart Arm
Dynatech (DNI) Nevada Cufflink
Metron QA 1290
Pronk Technologies SC SimCube Series

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Pressure Meters

Fluke / BioTek DPM Series Pressure Tester
BC Biomedical DPM-2000 Series
Netech DigiMano (all pressures)
DNI Nevada 207 A / B
Metron DP-10
Ashcroft pressure gauges
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Respiratory Analyzers
Biotek VT Plus
Fluke VT Mobile
IngMar Medical QuickLung
Metron QA-VTM
Timeter RT200
TSI 4000/4100 Series
TSI 41403
TSI Certifier-FA PLUS Respiratory Ventilator Tester 4080
Mallinckrodt BreathLab PTS-2000 Ventilator Analyzer

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Ultrasound Meters

BC Biomedical USP-100A/ 50/ 30 Digital Ultrasound Wattmeter
Biotek UW II/ III
Biotek (Fluke) UW 4
Fluke ULT800 Transducer Leakage Current Tester
Netech UMT-2A / -3D / -4C
Ohmic UPM Series
UMA UMR-3D Digital Ultrasound Wattmeter
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Pacemaker Analyzer
Biotek PMA-1
Fluke SigmaPace 1000
Netech PMT 100

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Incubator Analyzer
Fluke INCU

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Fluke Thermometers
Autoclave Thermometers
Digital Thermometers
Extech Temp/Humidity Pen
Glass Themometers
Smiths Medical
RTD Type Thermometers
Test Equipment Thermocouple Thermometer
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.

Bilirubin Light Meters

neoBLUE® Radiometer
Biotek Phototherapy Radiometer
Ohmeda Medical Biliblanket Meter II
Olympic Bilimeter Mark II & Model 22
Healthdyne JD700
Minolta 451
Narco Scientific PR III
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Light Meters
Sper Scientific 840020 & 840022
Extech 401025
Extech EA30 EasyView

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Pulse Oximeter Testers
BC Biomedical SPO-2000
PRONK OX-1 OxSim® Optical SpO2
Datrend Systems Oxitest Plus7
Fluke Index 2 XLFE Series

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Mitutoyo PH-100A Digital Tachometer
Extech Combo Contact & Photo Tachometer 461895
Extech Photo Tachometer 461893
Extech RPM10 Tachometer
CT6 LSR Tachometer

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
​Oscilliscopes & Scope Meters
Fluke Scopemeter Model 190 Series
Tektronix Oscilloscopes
Hameg HM Series

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Tee Transducer Leakage Current Tester
Dale 800B
Fluke Ult 800

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Fluke Multimeters
B&K RMS Bench Digital Multimeters
Clamp Meters
Simpson Multimeters

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Other Miscellaneous Equipments
SPO2 Analyzer
Small Weights (Troemner / Ohaus)
iET RS-200 Resistance Decade Box
Power Supplies
Photo & Contact Tachometers
Sound Level Meters
Oxygen Analyzers

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
Ambco 1000+
Ambco 650A
Welch Allyn AM 282
Micro Audiometrics Corp Earscan 3
Air Conduction Audiometer touchtymp MA 27

Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.

Larson Davis Sound Level Meter/ Calibrator
Extech Sound Level Meter
Beha 93-20 Sound Level Meter
Emco SLM-120 Sound Level Meter
​PROTMEX Digital Sound Level Meter
Reed Sound Level Meter
Duka Sound Level Meter
Tacklife Sound Level Meter
Sound Level Meter Calibrator
Notes : We calibrate other devices from different manufactures not shown above.
To ensure accuracy, kindly contact us to verify the manufacturer and model number as we do not calibrate all types of aviation equipment.